Sunday, March 27, 2011
KayLeigh is now eating waffles, of all kinds! She shares some of my morning waffle with syrup and butter, and we went to downtown Mons yesterday and she had her first taste of Belgian waffle! She is getting so big so fast! She steals all sorts of food off our plates all the time now, eggs, waffles, frenchfries : ) lol. She is an eating machine! She held her sippy cup up by herself for the first time yesterday too..my big girl : ) We have started going to story time every tuesday at the library on base, and although I didnt really have high hopes for her attention span for it, she loves it! she listens and watches as the woman reads the book, and likes dancing around with all the big kids when they play the songs. I read her books every night before bed, and we're slowly trying to build up our library of books for her. She has found a love for all things elmo, anywhere she sees him, she lets out this high pitched squeal and grabs for whatever item he happens to be on. She is crazy about elmo! She now says "mama" and "dada" and seems to know who is who at least a little bit.. she is going to be a wild woman when she starts walking!! She can crawl now too, she sort of crawls/army crawls with one arm lol but she sure is quick!! Her favorite thing to chase is the dogs of course, and she finds the puppies absolutley hilarious! We're looking forward to coming back to the states in a few months. I need my fix of shopping at American stores, and I have a list of places to eat! ; p We're going to fly Space A again out of Ramstein mid may, and fly into the east coast then either drive or get a plane to Colorado. We'll be there for Jared's graduation and into June a little bit, then we're going to pick up Breanna and come back to Belgium. It should be fun with her here this summer, and my wonderful husband bought us a second car so when he is working I can still take the girls to the zoo and stuff. We're planning on doing a lot this summer! Then in August its back to the states again!! Mat has a school to go to and I'll be back in Colorado with Kay for about 2 weeks. I am so excited to soak up some warm summer sun! I hope to see lots of you at Jareds graduation, or in August. We love you all! : )
Thursday, March 17, 2011
March 2011
Sorry everyone! I get so caught up with facebook, that I neglect the blog sometimes...lol. We havent done much of anything since we got back from Ohio, which has actually been really nice. We did take a trip to Amsterdam, just a quick overnight trip to get out of the house for a bit.It's a really nice place, and there is a lot more english being spoken there, so it was nice to go even though the weather was not the best. The house is about to get pretty crazy, KayLeigh is learning very quickly how to crawl, and now wants to do nothing but wiggle around all the time!! She is wanting to get into everything! We took a trip to IKEA the other day, and she was trying to wiggle out of the stroller and trying to reach out and put everyting in her mouth! she is going to be a wild child! on top of that, we have 3 puppies that are all learning how to walk, and will be mobile and running around the house very shortly. so I will be getting plenty of exercise soon!
We are purchasing a second car yay! Just a used european spec car for me, but I am very excited about it. Kay and I will start going to playgroups every week, she seems very interested in other kids that she sees.Her favorite friend (besides elmo) is the cute little baby that lives in the mirror lol. She knows how to give kisses, but she rarely gives them to mat or I, she usually reserves those for my little pony or the baby in the mirror : )
We are planning out our summer, we will be coming back to Colorado for Jared's graduation at the end of may, then coming back in August when mat has a school to go to for a few weeks. So we'll be around! Hopefully in August we'll be able to have a first birthday party for her with family! She is certainly getting her own personality, she gets little more attitude every day! she will certainly let you know if you arent paying enough attention to her! lol
Thats really about all thats new with us. but this summer will be crazy so check back!
love you all!
here are some new pictures!
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