Well today KayLeigh is 12 days old, and she is doing very well! She is asleep on me as I type this, seems like we spend a lot of our time like this. : ) She is a very good baby, doesnt really fuss or cry too much, she lets us know when she is hungry though! She lets me get about 3 or 4 hours of sleep in bed until she wakes me up to eat. Thank goodness Mat bought the most comfy rocking/recliner for the nursery, I usually just fall asleep in there after feeding her. KayLeigh is happy most of the time, she already smiles when she hears daddy talking to her after he's been at work all day, I've been trying to catch a smile on camera, but its hard! It was really nice having my mom and dad here, HUGE help since I was in the hospital for a few days. The Belgians usually keep people in the hospital for 5-7 days, even if nothing is wrong, but we escaped early, I was getting tired of being woken up by the french language... I think we would be buried in laundry, dishes and puppy poop if my parents hadnt come to help, they stayed home while Mat slept with me at the hospital. It was so nice to not have to worry about the dogs being home alone, and it was nice having my parents there for KayLeighs first few days of life. It was quite the process trying to get out of the hospital early. The doctors thought KayLeigh was jaundiced, even though none of us could see it...and guess who was right? us!! They had us stay so they could do blood work on her, and they came back just fine, so wegot out of there. Once we did leave, we spend a day in Antwerp with mom, dad and jared, it was a nice day of shopping and being together in the nice weather before they all had to leave. We miss them, the dogs keep looking in the guest room for grandpa and grandma lol. We couldnt be more grateful for their help!! So here are some pictures from antwerp, the boys climbing trip and a few more of KayLeigh...Oh, we also went to Waterloo, I'll put those pictures up too! : )

The Hill at Waterloo that overlooks the battlefield. I waited at the bottom with KayLeigh lol

Jared with a Napolean hat on : )

Jared on the steps up the hill

The view from the top


Mom and Dad at the top

Jared and a smart car in Antwerp lol

Eating delicious food!!

The climbing wall dad, mat and jared went to
They get along so well lol. (Jared had just had his first beer ever lol. the drinking age in belgium is 16)
Dad at the climbing wall
Dad and Mat climbing
I love theselittle socks!!
She loves her chair! Thank you Aunt Christine!!

Last day in the hospital, ready to go home in the cute outfit Nana bought her!
Aaahh! I'm so excited to come visit, everything just looks like so much fun! Yay, can't come fast enough! Love you all!