Friday, October 28, 2011

October 28, 2011

In an effort to update my blog more, here's another post for this week! I'm on a roll, lets hope I can keep it going :)
  I guess I'll start off by bragging about all the new things KayLeigh can do, it seems like she does something new everyday now, it's amazing! She has a pretty good vocabulary, she can now say... "Me-mo" (elmo) This is usually said while pointing at the t.v. or laptop, requesting to watch elmo... "kitty" or "cat" which is usually followed by lots and lots of "meow! meow! meow!" and then trying to chase down the poor cat to snuggle him to death. She loooooooves that kitty. She also says "dog" and knows that the dog says "woof" although when she says it, it usually sounds more like "oof" which I think is way cuter anyways :) She likes to say "eye" and then try to poke your eye out, I guess she just really wants to make sure you know where your eye is! She can also locate her nose, mouth, belly, and booty. although she doesnt say any of those yet, she is more than happy to point them out to you. She will even shake her booty (dance) if you ask her to while music is playing :) Of course she says "mama" and "dada" but I get confused a lot about "mama" and "me-mo" and sometimes I try to hug her when all she wants is elmo lol. She says "bebe" (baby) when she carries around babies, or a little yellow stuffed sheep, whose name is apparently "bebe". She doesnt say "no" but if you tell her "no way" she shakes her head all crazy and thinks its the funniest thing ever, she has to concentrate a bit harder to nod her head yes, but she's got that down too :) she tries to say "night night" but it sounds a lot like "nana" or "ana" which is what she says for breanna. She usually says breanna while shes looking at pictures with me, or the pictures of her and breanna on the bookshelf, probably one of the cutest things ever. She has a rubber duckie, and a duck backpack, and she says "duck" and "quack quack" to both of those. she also really likes playing with cars, and will also point them out to us while we drive by saying "car" She says "yum" if she's really enjoying her food, and "ooooooh" with her little lips all pouty if she sees something she thinks is really neat. And I think thats it for now...
             She's learning all sorts of new things lately, just the other day she picked up some of her socks off the floor, and tried to put them on her feet, she does the same with her giraffe slippers, I was so suprised!! My favorite is when she tries to tickle mat or I. She comes up to you and says "tittle tittle" (theres another word I missed!) and tries to tickle you, she likes to tickle my feet, because I scream and act like it REALLY tickles, she thinks its funny :) We've got a good bedtime routine down now, she goes and gets me a diaper out of the diaper holder and we get her into pjs, then she shuts off the light (we have low light switches in all our bedrooms in addition to the normal height ones for some reason...belgium..) and picks up a book and heads over to the rocking chair to read. Shes just becoming such an awesome little person, I love it! When I ask her if she's hungry (especially in the morning, when I've made french toast sticks) she'll march right over to her highchair and wait to be lifted up so she can eat. she usually does not wait quietly and does a lot of whining and screaming in the process, I think its her attempt to hurry the food up :) Shes been walking for about a month now,and she's really good at it. She hardly falls, unless one of the dogs throws her off balance, or she trips over the cat lol. She's getting quick and is trying to run. she loves going for walks around the neighborhood, and is very sneaky about trying to let go of your hand. If shes holding onto anything, like a toy or a flower she's picked up outside, she'll drop it so you let go of her hand so she can pick it up, then she takes off as quick as she can in hopes that you don't notice you're no longer holding her hand lol. She's quite independent. 
                       She's pretty fond of books, she'll bring them up to you and sit in your lap so you can read them to her, or she'll sit on the floor and look at the pictures while babbling away like shes reading. She likes to chase the cat around too, and pick him up in various awful ways, but he's a good cat and will put up with it for a while.

Speaking of KayLeigh, I hear her hollering upstairs, its bedtime here, and we've all had a cold, so she's probably not feeling well. So I better be off :) motherhood is calling.
Love you all, I promise more to come, monday is halloween, and we've got a busy night :)

My Elmo pumpkin, I'm rather proud of it :)

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