2012 is almost over here in Belgium. In fact, we've only got about 4 hours left! It has been a pretty crazy year, and it seems like it has just flown by. I can't believe KayLeigh turned two this year, she is such a big girl! Raigan is already 5 weeks old, which is hard to believe, and Breanna turned 8!!!. My parents always told me, the older you get, the faster the years go by, and it really is true! This new years marks the beginning of our last year in Belgium, and hopefully our last year overseas for a while. It has been an interesting experience living in Europe, but we just don't want to be this far away from family, especially Breanna any longer.
KayLeigh has grown a lot this year, she had her second birthday, and became a big sister. She has taken on the role well so far. she doesn't really pay much attention to Raigan yet. She does seem concerned when she cries, and will come and tell us if she feels like we're not attending to her fast enough. Sometimes when Kay starts to cry about something she will stop herself and tell us that she's not a baby, and only Raigan cries, she is such a big girl! I couldn't ask for a better two year old , she is normally very well behaved, and rarely had meltdowns. Even when she does, they really aren't that bad, she listens pretty well for a two year old, and is pretty helpful with small tasks. She can start Belgian pre-school in February and I am excited for her, I think she will really enjoy playing with the other kids and learning new things.
Breanna turned 8 this December which is really crazy. It seems like just the other day I was meeting a little 3 year old for the first time, and now she's telling us that before we know it she's going to be a teenager! We asked her what she wanted for Christmas this year, and if she still liked princesses.. she told us that she's "not that into princesses anymore" haha. She had a pretty big year, after coming to visit us for the summer, and traveling to Germany with us and papa rusty and Pam, she got 2 new little sisters and moved to a new house. Her mom had a baby girl about 6 months before we had Raigan and they moved from Barksdale to a town about 40 mins away in Texas. She told us she has her own room, that she got to decorate, and she seems to like her new school a lot, so we are very happy for her :)
Raigan is only 5 weeks old, so there's not much to say about her yet. I had a much better experience at this new hospital than I did at the hospital that Kay was born at. The nurses and midwives were all much nicer and more helpful, and my labor was very quick, so I was happy! When we brought Raigan home she was really grumpy all the time, and seemed to be having tummy troubles, we've figured out that me drinking milk upsets her stomach a lot, and since I've stopped she's become a considerably happier baby :) We're still adjusting to having a toddler and newborn in the house, and we've lost a lot of sleep over the last month. but thankfully Mat got a lot of time off, and that helped the transition a lot.
I want to wish everyone a happy and wonderful New year, from all of us, we love you all, and hope this coming year is even better than 2012!
I uploaded some pictures of things that happened over the past year :)
Kay watching Mat play at make a wish |
rock star princess!! |
Raigan right after she came out |
First time holding her little sister :) |
Family picture in Germany |
Family pictures summer 2012 |
Raigan and I :) halloween |
crazy kayleigh |
Blowing out the candles! |
Happy birthday big girl |
spider for halloween |
the last few weeks of pregnancy with Raigan |
cutie patootie!!! |
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