Tuesday, March 19, 2013


It seems like we have been doing a lot of waiting lately.  I was waiting for Kay to turn 2.5 so she could start school, waiting for Raigan's passport and social securtiy card to come in the mail so we could get the paperwork started to get space-A back to the states in May, waiting for Kay to be day time potty trained...Now we've got all those things! NOW we 're just waiting for nice weather, our trip to the states, and for everyone to get over this horrible cold/flu virus. 
Poor KayLeigh has only been able to go to school 3 times since she started, between Mat working and taking the car, snow days, and now us being sick, she has hardly gone at all! She seemed to enjoy her first day, she didn't cry at all when I dropped her off, and when I picked her up, she just wanted to go play on the playground :) Her teacher "madame Sophie" seems very nice, and speaks enough english so her and I can communicate a bit. It's really odd not having her here when she does go to school, the house is much quieter, haha. 
She is potty trained for the most part when she is home, and we can even go grocery shopping without any accidents (so far)!! She has started to hate diapers, and doesnt even like putting them on for naps, the only setback we've had is this bug we've all got, and I've been furiously disinfecting the house in hopes of stopping it from coming back!! 
Raigan is growing quickly too, she is almost 4 months, and rolled over yesterday! She seemed quite pleased with herself, and happy that she was off her tummy and could look at all her toys again lol. She's been sleeping better during the night, but still sleeps with me. I've decided to not worry about "sleep training" and all that for a while. She's just not ready, and I'm not ready to have the whole house up all night because I'm putting her in her crib for bed. 

I am so looking forward to May!! It cannot come quickly enough! I'm going to be catching a Space-A flight somewhere back to the states, then flying/driving to Colorado :) I'll be there until mid June. so, a long trip. I decided if I"m going to make the trip by myself with Kay and Raigan, it's going to be a long one! Mat doesn't have enough leave to go to colorado and have time to pick up and drop off Breanna for her summer visit, so I"ll be going alone. We're going to meet up in Florida in June for a family vacation with Breanna, on the beach, it should be wonderful!!! 

I'm also excited about summer, because it is our last one in Belgium!! We have no idea where we will end up after this, but we're really hoping for somewhere close to Breanna. And at this point I will be happy as long as we're back in the USA. I like Europe, but I have had enough of Belgium. I'm ready to be closer to family!  We've got less than a year left, and we are looking forward to finding out where we are going next. 
I would write more, but really, not much going on here. We're all sick, Kay goes to school sometimes, and Raigan...is cranky. lol :) 

Here is a video of Kay loving on Raigan :)
Love you all!!!!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Big girl!

It seems like KayLeigh is growing up so quickly lately. Her vocabulary is growing so much everyday, and she is learning new things all the time. She is going to be 2 and a half next month, and it really does seem like she was just as tiny as Raigan. I know everyone says that, but it really is true! I can't believe how quickly time is going by. 
Tonight is her first night in her big girl bed! Well, it's still her crib... but we took the side off. I was planning on keeping her locked away in the crib for as long as possible, and up until this morning she hadn't tried to climb out. But I guess she got tired of waiting for us to wake up because she climbed right out , and was yelling for me in the hallway this morning! Just about gave me a heart attack, because the gate wasn't up on the stairs! So I took the side off her crib, since she's going to get out anyways, might as well make it so she can get back in, and not hurt herself when she tries to fling herself over the side lol. We skipped nap today, but she was very excited talking about her big girl bed, and kept asking to go night night. when I finally read her a book and tucked her in, she seemed a little bit nervous, and I was too honestly. I love to see her grow up, and I know that this is just a small taste of the growing she is going to do, but it made me a little sad. My baby is getting so big! 
I found myself wishing that Raigan would hurry up and get big the other night, when she was screaming and wouldn't sleep in her crib... but tonight I was reminded of how quickly it is going to go by, and I'm going to try harder to enjoy my little bitty Raigan, because she'll be as big as KayLeigh before I know it!!!

Kay is also making really good progress towards being potty trained, finally lol. I've tried several times before, but I guess she just wasn't ready, because this time it is sticking. She spends most of the day in undies, except when we leave the house, and for naps and bedtime. She doesn't have very many accidents, which is awesome, and our next step is going to be venturing out of the house in underwear... which I am not ready for, haha! My goal is to have her at least 100% potty trained for day time by May, when we go visit my parents, it would be awesome to only have to pack a few diapers for night time for her! 

Other exciting news, she can start preschool next month. I have a bunch of paperwork to fill out, then she can go! I want her to go, so she can make friends and learn new things, but I am going to miss her! 

We have to go to Brussels next week, to apply for Raigan's passport and US birth certificate. We used to be able to do it on base here, but they changed everything around, so that is probably going to be a loooooong day. 

Raigan is two months old, and is mastering tummy time. She can lift her chest off the ground and likes to watch kay run around, or look at pictures in a book while she's hanging out. I think she has some sort of milk intolerance, she does not do well when I eat cheese, or drink milk. She was a VERY grumpy baby for the first month, but she has gotten much happier lately :) coos, and smiles are always nice, it makes the morning much better when her and Kay start it WAY too early!! 

I guess this post is a little bit scattered, but I've been writing it and trying to get it posted for a few days, haha. so FINALLY....here is an update :) love you all!!