Only 5 days until Christmas, and it seemed like KayLeigh was determined to get herself on the naughty list. She went to bed at a decent time but then around 11 or 12, she woke up and would NOT go back to sleep!! She cried, and screamed, and wanted to be held, but wanted to get up, she just was not happy no matter what I did! I gave her tylenol, thinking baby it was her teeth, that didn't help, she didnt want milk, she didnt want to eat anything..I guess she was just overtired since she was in the car and the stroller all day yesterday and didnt take a nap...But I was just frustrated, Mat finally drove her around for a while at 4, and he didnt even get out of the parking lot before she fell asleep, she went back to sleep pretty fast when he brought her in, but she only slept for 4 hours!!!! then she was wide awake again, I couldnt believe it! around noon she finally went down for a nap, after I rocked her for about 15 minutes, and she slept for 3 or 4 hours..She's aseep in the bedroom now, and I have my fingers crossed that she stays asleep all night! because I cant be up all night again! Now, as if that wasnt bad enough, Mats car decided to stop working today too... We just got the brakes fixed, and usualy his car runs really well, but he changed the fuel filter a while ago, and the guy who did the brakes did something to the gas hose (I dont know car terms, or exactly what's wrong this is a guess) and now theres no gas getting to the engine, or at least thats what I gather is the problem, so while I was trying to get kay to nap this morning, mat was running in and out trying to fix the car, and trying to get ahold of his troop that he's supposed to go to a graduation for, he finally called around enough to find out what time he was supposed to be there so he's there now...But he tried to roll the car and start it, and that didn't work, a nice guy helped him push it though, and he's going to try and get it fixed by tomorrow since we were planning on going home tomorrow... I bundled up Kay in the stroller and walked the 15 minutes to the mall on base to do some shopping without mat since he left for his graduation thing just a little while later, Kay and I wandered around and got Mat's Christmas present, and I cant wait to give it to him!!! I'd tell you what it is, but sometimes he reads the blog, and I dont want to ruin the surprise :) We spent about two hours in the mall then started the trek back to the hotel, and I have to say I was a little surprised that no one, not even one person, stopped to ask if we needed a ride...It was raining lightly, Kay was plenty bundled up, dont worry, and it was dark, and there were plenty of peope driving by, and this is an american base, with lots of famalies living on base, and No one, not even one soul stopped..I didnt need a ride, and we made it back just fine, kay wasnt even cold, not even her nose!! But if Mat and I were driving, and a woman with a stroller were walking in the dark, cold, rain, on base, we would stop and at least see if she needed a ride..but oh well, we made it back and now are all our crappy hotel room...the door handle is broken, the chair is broken, the neighbors are loud. /we love ramstein but after being stuck here for so long trying to get out on a flight this summer, and now all this, I dont think we want to come back for a while!! lol. The good news is that we're getting a lot better at handling stress, we used to snap at each other a lot more in situations like this, but we were actualy pretty pleasent to each other today :) So hopefully Mat can get the car up and running, if not we'll have to figure out a ride..we've got a few offers from some wonderful friends in Belgium, so we'll make it home one way or another. I'll be glad when we are, and I'll be glad when this trip is over!!! I hope everyone else is having a better week!! love you!

Yum, cheesy snacks!
Hotel dinner, pasta on the couch
she's figuring the fork out!
not sure what this face is....
Day 20, Kay's face describes the way I felt all today..but she was just mad at the flash on the camera :)