Well this is annoying..the stupid blog website won't let me upload ANY pictures, I even tried putting an old one of kay up, so at least I would have a picture for this blog...but noooooooo... it just keeps telling me there's an error, so frustrating! Today's Daily Kayleigh is super cute too, she was being a wild child and yelling while she was running around, and I managed to get a picture of it... It's up on my facebook, and I'll try again later to upload a picture...but who knows if it will work. KayLeigh and I had another relaxed day, we cleaned the bathroom, well I cleaned, and she threw random things into the tub...she helped me clean up her room, that she actually helps with and puts her clothes in the hamper. :) She took a good nap today, and actually ate a lot! We're still waiting for her molars to come in, it seems like her teeth take forever!! I wanted to go for a walk, but it was rainy and miserable all day, so we stayed inside. I made dinner and then had to go to a meeting for my hair show, which is next month. My country is the Netherlands, and I've got to put together an outfit for it.. so any suggestions are welcome! the lady that is putting it together said she's open to any suggestions of what I want to do with my hair, so I'm pretty excited, hoping for at least a new haircut, and for free! yay! So I"m going to start looking online for something I want...:) The last few days have been super boring I know, and now no picture!!! but stay tuned, I promise i'll have some good ones tomorrow, as long as the stupid website cooperates!!!
love you all!!!
Got it to upload! finally :) :) :)
thats technical problems :)good i can see the picture on FB :)